

Why is it so hard to communicate? I mean, all of us are more than capable and more than willing to talk. Why? because every human being has 2 inate needs: to be heard and to be understood. This is why that verse in Ecclesiastes that says "2 are better than one" proves to be true because, let's face it, meeting these needs become a problem when one's alone. However, being in a relationship doesn't guarantee that these needs will be met either. Most of the times, we are so focused on gratifying our own needs that we forget others who are in dire need of the same things.

So how does one listen and understand truthfully?

Honestly, I don't know the answer to this. I can say something easy on the ears, but it still doesn't make it true. Everyday in our marriage, I know that Malcolm and I are always working on truly listening and empathizing with each other. It's hard because I can't help but to think "me too" when Malcolm says something he needs or wants, and for sure, he goes through the same ordeal. Lately, we have to work harder in this part of our relationship because life is really busy nowadays and the stress of it all is always catching-up to us. So, communicating with empathy is something that we try very hard to do. But everyday, we work it out. We have spats here and there, but we make it a point to think about what we're sacrificing if we fail to hear and feel for each other.

Time for us is scarce lately, so thinking before speaking is a must for us because with the little time we have for us, we don't want to spend it arguing. I guess with this thought in mind, we are making the hard work of communication exciting and worth while. Hard work, but in the end, it's all good!

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