
Christmas shopping is upon us... and it makes me giddy!

I am the type who tend to start Christmas window shopping early. "Only window shopping?" you ask? Yes, because I also am not the type who gets suckered in easily in buying stuff, especially if I can compare prices. And since I love, love, love savings, I have this process for shopping that is a little lengthy, but in the end it works out well for me and my pocket.

So, around September, I usually make a list of the people I have to give gifts to- i.e. the family, some of our closest friends and Mai's friends. After that, I make another list of potential gifts- for people who would potentially give us gifts and I don't want to be the "ungrateful one" not giving them something in return. Lastly, I make the "card" list - for family and friends too far away to really give gifts to, but are always remembered. With list on hand (actually, on my phone, notes section), I make notes of potential gifts I often see as I go to malls, shops, etc. But the best place to go to, to do my yearly-potential-Christmas-gift-list is none other than in front of my computer! Yes, online window shopping is the BEST! I can do that anytime and any place and as it so happens that my free time usually falls around 11pm at night, online window shopping makes it the only feasible way to do this task.

This year, I've discovered a great online place that I can go hit numerous favorite stores in one click: Canada Post Comparison Shopper. It's sort of like a search engine that directs you to different Canada and US retail stores. I love that it can compare prices of the same/common product available in different stores so you can get the lowest price with just ONE CLICK! But what I exceptionally love about this site is that they have all my favorite stores and brands available! Not to mention it's like a one-stop shop where I can literally buy a make-up kit for my sister, look for the newest baby gadget for my soon-to-be-born niece/nephew, and compare prices for a new TV for our family. It's a pretty cool site to check out! Believe me, I've been in it for the last 2 hours! Going through this year's list is going to be a breeze! Yay me!

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