
May 2nd - one of the BEST DAYS for me

May 2nd is always a celebratory date for me. It's the day my husband was born. So, for the past 8 years now, I've always highly anticipated May 2nd. I mean, if you know my husband, you too will celebrate! I know, I often talk about him being the epitome of quiet solitude - yes, the quietest solitude ever, but really, Malcolm is the most courageous, kindest, most loving person I know! And here's why...

When I met my husband, it has been 3 years from his last relationship. He didn't tell me the story, but his mom and a lot of people close to him did, and I tell ya, had what happened to him happened to me, I wouldn't know how to open my heart again. But not with Malcolm, when he met me and and fell in love, he courageously just gave EVERYTHING to make our relationship work. The man is truly what the epitome of what UNCONDITIONAL love means. That's how I know he is with God - because of his ability to love unselfishly.

Not only that, before we got married, he had the hardest time trying to win my parents' affection. I wouldn't go into details, but if I had to go through what he went through just for the chance to be loved by me, I don't know if I could do it. But because of his commitment and his kindness of heart, he weathered everything amazingly. And now, I guess I could say that my parents love him very much, just like a son to them.

Lastly, I believe that even if he does it without a word most of the times, he is the most loving person I know. He just knows how to be there... to hold me when I need to be held, or to walk away when I need to be alone. He knows just what to say when I ask for some encouragement. He willingly gives up his wants so that our wants can be accommodated. And not only us, pretty much with everybody he meets, he ALWAYS gives his best in everything whether of not it benefits him as long as the needs of the many are met. Simply put, he is SIMPLY amazing.

So, now you know why May 2nd is such a celebratory day! It is the day my God's best was born. If it were up to me, I'd declare it a holiday! :-)

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